This was a question on Quora. Below is my answer.

How can an adult get custody of someone else's child in California?
Follow the example set by one Shaunta Montgomery and attorney William Spiller, Jr. in Los Angeles in 2018. Do this:
• Make false allegations of some form of sex abuse against the child’s father (even if the mother and father are still legally married). DCFS will begin investigating (even if the allegation is from years ago, and even if it has already been investigated and found inconclusive).
• While the DCFS investigation is still pending, file a Petition for Letters of Temporary Guardianship. The Court will set the matter for a hearing. DO NOT SERVE the papers on the parents, even though service is a fundamental part of Due Process. Instead, make up a story about how the parents are “fugitives from justice.”
• The Court will appoint and the County will pay for a “Minor’s Counsel” such as William Spilller, Jr. (even though Spiller has already been suspended for Moral Turpitude because he was losing cases on purpose in his former job as a medical malpractice lawyer). Evidently Spiller is exactly the type of dishonest and morally reprehensible individual that Los Angeles County loves to pay.
• Minor’s Counsel and you will show up to the hearing. The parents will not show, because they have not been served. The Judge, such as Judge Gus T. May in Los Angeles, will "dispense with" the notice requirements, as allowed by Cal. Probate Code § 2250(e)(1).

• At the hearing, Minor's counsel will repeat the lies about the parents being "on the lam," and will "waive" the child's appearance, and simply speak for the child. After all, Minor's counsel get big money for doing so.
• Minor's Counsel will ignore the fact that the Father was EXONERATED by DCFS 5 days prior to the hearing.
• The Court will award Letters of Temporary Guardianship.
These facts are taken from a pending civil rights action pending for over 2 years in federal court in downtown Los Angeles, the complaint and all Plaintiffs' litigation papers I drafted.
It is is extremely dangerous to make a complaint against Valerie Houghton.
She stole $10,000,000 from another man.
Less than a month after the man asked for his money back, he was charged with raping a pregnant woman with a golf club. He was in jail for 8 days and spent $3,000,000 before he was found factually innocent.
Now the man is suing Ms. Houghton.
Same judge ordered a hearing for midnight. When the mother could not appear because the courthouse was closed, he ordered a ruling by default and took away a child from a mother and gave sole custody to a man who was not even on the birth certificate.
The child went to a man who was in jail. The jailed man's brother (who was not the father) ended up with the child.
Watch this video:
There is no one to complain to.
Another way is to involve the DA's Office. They can file charges even if you haven't committed a crime. Then the case can be moved into competency hearings. If you refuse to be evaluated because your former attorney has threatened to tamper, it won't be a problem. A report will be written without your consent or participation.
Valerie Houghton has also POISONED at least two parents who have reported that their children were being sexually abused. She is not only a licensed therapist and attorney, but also a registered nurse who used to specialize in medical malpractice.