CBS Affiliate Covers CPS Protest, PMJMP Member Dreama Cook Featured
A protest against Child Protective Services ("CPS") corruption was staged on January 13, 2021 in Charleston, West Virginia. Protestors accused CPS of "selling kids for cash", a reference to the now well-documented fact that counties across the U.S. receive significant federal funding on a per-child-taken basis under Title IV of the Social Security Act.

We’re trying to bring awareness that there’s a serious problem here in West Virginia. There are many many children, too many children, in foster care and families we want them. We want our children back.
- Dreama Cook, Protestor, Jan. 13, 2021
CBS Affiliate WOWK in Charleston, West Virginia covered the story, Moriah Davis reporting. Ms. Davis used all the typical weasel words to marginalize the protestors' key points - "members of the group say...", "one woman says...", etc.
To reporter Moriah Davis: Federal funding of county child welfare agencies through Title IV is a fact. We invite you to follow up on your story. Perhaps you will consider contacting a spokesperson at your local CPS office for comment.
