Lawsuit Follows Ban From Platform … Intends to Prove Twitter Acted With ‘RECKLESS DISREGARD’ For the Truth

James O’Keefe made good on his promise to fight back and “go on offense” against corrupt media platforms today, by filing a lawsuit against Twitter -- citing false and defamatory statements the company made about him last week.
Project Veritas has already sued and won on Motion to Dismiss against The New York Times for defamation and will sue CNN for similar reasons.
O’Keefe, who was permanently banned from Twitter on Thursday, was accused of operating “fake accounts. O’Keefe operates no fake accounts.
Legal Complaint reads: “This is a defamation action arising from the publication of a false and defamatory statement by Twitter on April 15, 2021 concerning its decision that day to ban Plaintiff James O’Keefe, an investigative journalist followed by over 926,000 Twitter users as of the time he was banned.”
The Complaint continues: “Twitter’s false and defamatory claim was that it removed Mr. O’Keefe because he “operated fake accounts.”
The ban came on the heels of Project Veritas’ Bombshell undercover CNN videos, showing Technical Director Charlie Chester admitting the news network is “propaganda,” designed to oust President Trump and control viewers through “fear.”
This most recent lawsuit against Twitter is just one in a string of litigation O’Keefe and Project Veritas have lined up.