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UPDATE: PMJMP Wins Lawsuit Against Andrea Wood, but Damage Award Far Too Low

Writer's picture: Alex BakerAlex Baker

Crooked Lawyer Don Schwartz to Blame, along with Andrea's (ex?) boyfriend attorney Vince Wood

In July 2022, PMJMP won a default judgment against Andrea Wood for breach of contract. Judge Maier awarded like $5,800 in damages, instead of the $300,000 sought. Maier didn't award attorney fees, which should have been automatic, and were pleaded at over $50,000 with an attorney Declaration.

Crooked lawyer Don Schwartz, who would later go on to destroy Ed Stolz's radio station case, and our RICO action against Dariush Adli, by committing felony forgery, tanked this case by not speaking up when the judge asked about an attorney fee award.

But worse, just before the case went to the default hearing, Schwartz brought in his friend Vince Wood, to represent Andrea, who had been in pro per until then. I later found out that this Vince Wood was (at least at that time) holding himself out as Andrea's boyfriend.

The Judge had given all the signs that PMJMP would be given a resounding victory, because Andrea Wood never filed an answer, and when she finally did show up, just tried to remove the judge. But then, all of a sudden, this Vince Wood (no relation I'm sure), shows up, representing Andrea Wood.

Of course the Judge granted the judgment in favor of PMJMP, because there was no reason not to. But the award of under $6,000 was ridiculously low, and there was no statement of decision. Blah, blah, blah.

No question in my mind that Schwartz and his pal Vince Wood teamed up to tank the case, not because Andrea has any power, but my Music Mafia enemies certainly do.

Andrea is below leaving comments, so you go girl. They won't be deleted, but it's simply false to say PMJMP lost. In fact, PMJMP won. Theoretically, Andrea Wood owes over $5 grand. I don't have the actual dollar-figure in front of me. Below is the original article.


It's disappointing. Andrea Wood and her group California Family Advocacy has done good work for the anti-corruption movement. And the last thing we want or need is more litigation. But a deal is a deal. Damage is damage. The Complaint tells the story.


Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Apr 14, 2024

Alex Baker lost because he is a loaer.

Name one court case he has ever won!!


Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Apr 05, 2024

Wood wins


Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Apr 04, 2024

Judge disagreed with Alex Baker.

So did the Appeals Judge.


Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Apr 04, 2024

Some losers keep digging a bigger hole for themselves 🕳️ apparently they don’t know when to quit.


Andrea Wood
Andrea Wood
Apr 04, 2024

Unfortunately there are family court losers like Baker, who like to attack other family court victims. No respect.

Instead of focusing on fighting the court corruption. So very disappointing, but Andrea Wood was pleased with the outcome.

Only hope lesson was learned.


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