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Writer's picture: Alex BakerAlex Baker


“Kids for Cash, LLC.”
  • CONTACT: Evita Tolu 314-323-6022

  • DATE: APRIL 20, 2021


  • TIME: 9AM

The victims of the St. Louis Family Court system will gather in front of the Saint Louis County courthouse on Tuesday, April 20th to hold a press conference detailing allegations of abuse they have suffered at the hands of court professionals, psychologists, guardians ad litem, and judges. According to Evita Tolu, "St. Louis media has been slow to answer the call of so many victims who want to speak out and we are asking them today to launch a real investigation of the family court system that is destroying the lives of

Missouri’s families.”

38 Saint Louis guardians ad litem (GAL) were caught colluding against plaintiff Evita Tolu and the press in a leaked Zoom call that is posted on YouTube.

In that call they admit to improper communications between themselves and judges, including presiding Judge Michael Burton, about cases before their court and strategizing ways to silence whistleblowers alleging misconduct and corruption. These guardians plotted to pay a private investigator over $400 an hour to uncover and dox the identity of whistleblowers who were leaking information to the press. The guardians and lawyers also conspired to open an LLC to hide the fundraising activities called “Kids for Cash, LLC.”

“These guardians ad litem only care about enriching themselves. They are heartless and have no desire to help our children. Missouri legislature should investigate Family Court system and remove immunity from guardians ad litem to save our children’s lives.
- Evita Tolu.

Some victims have alleged that their children were taken from them and given to an abusive parent in order to stretch out the litigation and drain their family’s wealth. Many victims allege that their children disclosed horrific sexual and physical abuse that was ignored or suppressed by guardians and other court professionals.

“No one would help me,” said Megan McLeod, a former child who is now an adult. “Both of

the psychologists directly put me in danger,” she said speaking of Dr. James Reid and Dr. Elizabeth Bennet.

Many victims say they were denied due process when their own attorneys conspired behind closed doors with guardians and judges to decide their cases off the record and used coercion to make the victims agree fearing the loss of all visitation if they didn’t.

“Many victims and their children have been revictimized, intimidated, threatened, destroyed emotionally and financially by Kids for Cash, LLC players,” said Tolu. “They are afraid to speak up. But if you do nothing, if you let your fear control you and if you let Cash For Kids, LLC control you - another child will be hurt, trafficked and/or molested. If you remain silent, you allow Cash For Kids, LLC to injure your children.

You can protect children who are exposed to domestic violence by proxy in our courts right now.


Jennifer Moore
Jennifer Moore

Yes, I definitely HEARD where they colluded in A Legal Maneuver to Open Another LLC to Avoid Liability for Bad Buis. Behavior and Downright Criminal Actions...The thing is that this Maneuver is An Option For When a Buis. Is RECEIVER of Bad Contracts or Bad/Criminal People who THINK they are Above the Law and Are Committing Crimes and Causing liability and Suffering BECAUSE they Think that Any Bully can do so and Get away with it and therefore when One is CERTAIN that they CAN win, if taken to court, Then this Is a Way to STOP them from Their Unlawful Attacks/Extortion Immediately....NOT though for COLLUDING CROOKS WHO Are DESTROYING the LIVES OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES... Like when someone thinks…

Alex Baker
Alex Baker

I'm here to tell you that this kind of thing is going on in every county across the U.S. It's just that in St. Louis, a video got leaked.


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