Alexander Baker to Speak at Dec. 2024 False Flags & Conspiracies Conference

An insider’s report on how big medicine is experimenting on children and profiting billions by perpetrating the scientific fraud called "gender affirming care," and how litigation has now forced the rulers to resurrect the medieval top-secret Star Chamber tribunal.
Bio-Sketch and Teaser
Alexander C. Baker, J.D. is the behind-the-scenes litigation expert masterminding two important court cases in the United States right now: Georgulas v. Younger (Los Angeles Superior Court) and Hudacko vs. UCSF (San Francisco Federal Court).
Both of these cases involve a loving father’s valiant effort to stop a deluded (if not insane) mother hell-bent on attempting to medically transform a boy into a girl.
Baker's presentation at the 2024 FF&CC will track the blow-by-blow in these high-stakes court fights, and reveal that the so-called "transgender" movement is nothing less than a global conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation.
Baker will unmask the World Professional Organization for Transgender Health ("WPATH"). WPATH presents itself as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and scientific nonprofit dedicated to using the principles of evidence-based medicine to establish the “standard of care” for “treatment” of "transgender" and "gender non-conforming" people.
Recently uncovered internal documentation will show that WPATH is actually a pseudo-scientific political advocacy organization – working at the behest of big pharma and big hospitals – whose ulterior motives are:
• to maximize revenue for its members and associated organizations (both nonprofit and for-profit)
• to maximize the numbers of vulnerable people – especially children – unwittingly enrolled in various NIH-funded human medical experiments, under the guise of "treatment" that is “medically necessary" (i.e. covered by insurance)
• through the use of "puberty blockers," to create a population of young people who chronologically reach adulthood (thus legally able to consent to sex and intoxication), but who still look, think and act like children.
Baker will take a deep dive into the blatant corruption and totalitarian tactics being wielded in this transgender litigation, including how his legal brief so threatened to expose this conspiracy that the Judge immediately issued a blatantly illegal "Star Chamber" Order - sealing the entire record of the case and closing the case to the public.
Heartbreakingly, Baker will show medical records that quote Jeff Younger's obviously brainwashed son as saying:
"I'm really a girl. I don't really care about my penis. I'm able to pee. I know I'm going to get bottom surgery in the future so I don't really care."