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Witness Felonies From the Bench: L.A. Court Watch March 15-18 2021

Writer's picture: Alex BakerAlex Baker

Illegal Show Trial set to go forward - Judge Joshua Wayser presiding

PMJMP and FCACC seek any and all Court Watchers to attend the long-awaited Family Law trial between Alex Baker and his ex-wife / business partner Clair Marlo (aka Clara Veseliza Baker). The judges and attorneys will be accused of crimes, on the record, as those involved are indictable for multiple felonies, according to Baker, who is a legal expert.

  • When: March 15-18, 2021

  • Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 noon, 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM daily

  • Where: Dept. 60 (5th floor), Stanley Mosk Court House, 111 N. Hill St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

  • Parking: Nearby, $20. Carpool arrangements - contact

  • Staging Area: Grand Park fountain, right next to courthouse

  • Perks: Lunch, healthy snacks, coffee, juice, water - courtesy of PMJMP.

I will tell the truth about this corrupt Los Angeles Superior Court, and they won't like it. I fully expect to be forcibly removed from the courtrooms, simply for telling the truth. - Alex Baker

Court Watchers will be given officially authorized press passes, and asked to take notes, and report. It is expected that the Court will disallow any evidence of the corrupt and criminal nature of this entire case, pending since June 2014. We must document this.

Right from the start, Baker will present (or attempt to present) evidence and make the argument that bribery and corruption have destroyed any possibility of a fair trial. This evidence is relevant now because of the trial issues of "271 Sanctions".

Family Code Section 271 allows for sanctioning (imposing a fine) against any party who:

"frustrates the policy of the law to promote settlement [and] ... cooperation between the parties and attorneys."

Cooperation? In Family Court? In Baker's view, it "frustrated the policy of the law" when Marlo and her attorneys bribed judges so that they (1) let Marlo get away with refinancing a disputed property taking $225,000 cash; (2) let attorney Joe Yanny get away with $85,722 from the trust account; (3) closed discovery in violation of the law, so Marlo never had to produce the necessary real estate records; (4) "waived" Marlo's duty to provide a Final Declaration of Disclosure for the same reason; (5) allowed Marlo to not equalize the music royalty money as the July 2016 Court Order required; and (6-99) many, many other corrupt items too numerous to mention here.

Court watchers will witness felonies perpetrated against Alex Baker, guaranteed.


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