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Freedom Enough

New Sunday Podcast with Legal Expert and Voluntaryist Alexander Baker


I am pleased to announce my new Sunday podcast. From the Supreme Court down to Family Court, you have no rights and there is no law. Let's talk about how we were screwed over in court, and what we need to do about this whole situation.


Who: Alexander C. Baker, J.D. - your legal expert.

What: Freedom Enough (What does the title mean?)

When: Sundays 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific / 6PM UTC

Where: Speak Free Radio (streaming audio, archives here)

Where else: Twitch (streaming video, archives here)

Why: Because you want to escape the cage and live free from government.


If you want to be a guest, contact me here, or use the form below. I am interested in people who have been through legal hell.


If you want to share a 1 minute video of you explaining your legal nightmare, you may upload it using the form below.


I am also keenly interested in debating anyone who challenges my conclusion that the Court system is a criminal extortion racket, or that the only solution is Voluntaryism. (What is Voluntaryism?)

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Submit Your 1 Min. Video
I made the video I am uploading and I hereby give you permission to play it on your show, including broadcasting over the airwaves, streaming on the internet, and anywhere else we want to play it, forever.
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What type of court case is yours?

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