Angel of Light - Cover Up Continues
Why They Killed Marc Angelucci
In Alex Baker's Opinion
(part 1, a few out of many reasons and much documentation)
Marlo DV-700 Baker Anti-SLAPP
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael R. Powell has issued a series of corrupt rulings in my case. I'd like to explain why I believe these rulings are connected to the murder of my attorney, my supervisor, my colleague, and my friend, Marc Angelucci.
My ex wife, Clara Veseliza Baker, also known as Clair Marlo is trying to advance the hearing date of her DV-700 Request to Renew her Domestic Violence Retraining Order to January 22, 2021, the date of the hearing for my Anti-SLAPP Motion.
For those just catching up, the abuse constituting my domestic violence is 2 things. One, I sued Marlo for copyright infringement and I won. Two, I dared to speak the truth on a blog. The real problem is I discovered a stack of music contracts containing forgeries of my signature. I have two highly credentialed handwriting experts,
Beth Chrisman and Bart Baggett, who will testify to the forgeries. A multi-billion dollar international entertainment conglomerate cannot possibly allow this evidence to come to light, which is why I believe Universal are supplying Marlo with an army of high priced attorneys.
So now, they are trying to renew this bogus restraining order, by saying I violated the restraining order in the last 3 years. You can see their request, link below. Obviously everything Marlo complains about is either my suing her, or else my free speech. Hence, an Anti-SLAPP motion.
This is clearly just another corrupt attempt to illegally avoid the mandates of the Anti-SLAPP statute, which holds that, one, an Anti-SLAPP motion must be heard prior to the trial. Two, denial of an Anti-SLAPP is immediately appealable. And three, there is an automatic stay of the challenged issue until the Anti-SLAPP appeal is complete.
I have never violated the D V R O. Marlo states that I violated the restraining order on multiple occasions, but never explains what she is talking about. All she does is list a number of legal actions taken by me and my then-attorney Marc Angelucci. Like sending a process server to her house to serve contempt of court papers. She didn't like that. And, Marlo lists some publications made by Post Modern Justice Media Project.
Everything Marlo complains about is a First Amendment protected activity, that is, the precise type of Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, SLAPP, that the Anti-SLAPP statute was intended to stop.
At the hearing, I will argue, or attempt to argue, that the only reason that Judge Michael Powell has let this corrupt tactic proceed this far is the same reason that he allowed Joe Yanny to get away with stealing $85,722 from the trust account. And that reason is, I believe, that Judge Powell is afraid of being murdered, the way my attorney Marc Angelucci was murdered nine days before he was to prosecute Joe Yanny for Contempt of Court.
If you want to read the full arguments on the Anti-SLAPP, why the entire D V R O should be stricken, my opposition papers are posted, links below. Briefly, allowing the DV-700 hearing to go forward is illegal. It is against the law, under Code of Civil Procedure 425.16. The D V R O remains in full force until this is settled, so there is no urgency to renew it. Other than Covering Up the forgery, covering up the fraud in the music industry that my lawsuits expose, and covering up the fact that these judges are letting my ex wife, Clair Marlo, get away with three houses, a million dollars, my entire life's musical work, and my gold record, there is no reason to let this D V R O hearing go forward at this time.
Tonight, we will focus just on a few points, out of many, that cause me to form the inference that Marc Angelucci was murdered to stop him from prosecuting corrupt lawyers and corrupt judges in my case, and in other cases in which I was working as Mr. Angelucci's litigation paralegal.
As usual, in her court papers, Marlo's attorneys throws poo against the wall to distract from the obvious fact that no domestic violence has ever occurred in this matter, and she certainly does not need any protective order. Marlo’s attorney Mike DiNardo tries to make hay out of the unfortunate circumstances around the disappearance of my next attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy.
After Marc was killed, I retained Ronda on a limited-scope basis to represent me for the Anti-SLAPP and any appeal, appearing in Judge Powell's courtroom on September 23, 2020. But the relationship between me and Ronda goes well beyond that.
Attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy was co-counsel to Marc Angelucci in two cases in which I was working as a paralegal. Besides the Contempt against Joe Yanny, the Marc Angelucci murder was just three days before he was to testify in Department 1 about court corruption in these cases.
Angelucci was prepared to testify that my civil fraud case, in which he also represented me, was illegally and secretly transferred into the Family Law department so as to avoid a jury trial. After we successfully got that overturned, the civil fraud case was illegally dismissed, outright, on an ex parte hearing, just a few weeks before it was to go to a jury trial.
So we brought a motion to Judge Jessner to Set Aside that order and reinstate the case, and get this. That hearing was set for July 9, 2020, and Marc Angelucci was on the witness list and prepared to testify about this obvious corruption. On July 8, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a clerk from Judge Jessner's courtroom called me on the phone, in a very shaky voice, told me that the hearing was postponed. I thought that was odd, and I asked her why. She got off the phone and came back a minute later and said, with an even shakier voice, that the Judge had a meeting. The hearing was moved to Tuesday, July 14.
But on Saturday, July 11, 2020 a hitman disguised as a FedEx delivery person showed up to Marc Angelucci's house in Crestline California, and gunned him down.
I believe that a lot of people are disowning me because they are afraid of being murdered. For example, the most obvious explanation for why attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy has gone missing is that she is afraid of being murdered.
By all accounts - including my account, the accounts of numerous of her clients, and now the account of attorney Mike DiNardo - attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy has, for all intents and purposes, disappeared. As Judge Powell recalls, Ronda appeared in my case on September 23, 2020. On the record, the Court continued the matter to October 29, and Ronda checked her calendar and agreed to appear.
Now, Ronda was a candidate for Congress, and requested a date after the November 5 election, but Judge Powell was not receptive to that request. Ronda did not appear at my October 29 hearing, despite my numerous attempts to contact and remind her. Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy just disappeared, on many people, all related to Marc Angelucci.
I believe that attorney Marc Angelucci was murdered because he was willing to stand up and fight court corruption, including but not limited to corruption in this case. Marc Angelucci had previously sued a judge in Ventura County, and was involved in the infamous Jerry Cox cases in Mariposa County, involving allegations that a Receiver named Mark Adams had corruptly and illegally caused the seizure and sale of Jerry Cox’s property.
It is crystal-clear to anyone with legal training that this case, and many of the other cases handled by Marc Angelucci, were marred by corruption.
In fact, Marc Angelucci was well-aware that his life was in danger because he was fighting corruption, as he made known to me in a text message of 12-12-2019. In that text Marc Angelucci shared a poem that began, Corrupt judges, they must be fought, and if that fails… Marc made me promise to keep that poem confidential. But if anything happens to me Marc continued, tell everybody I wrote it and I meant it.
I vow to continue Mr. Angelucci’s fight, dubbing him Fallen Angel, Angel of Light, and dedicating the mission of P M J M P to him. However, I realize that not everyone is willing to risk their life in the hopes of exposing court corruption.
For these reasons, I believe that the most logical explanation for why Attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy went missing is that she is afraid of being murdered, or that she was bribed, or both.
Similarly, the most Obvious Explanation for why Judge Michael Powell Pretended Not To Understand The Trust Fund Order, and That He Refused to Admit the Bank Records Into the July 20, 2020 Contempt Action is That He Was Afraid of Being Murdered.
Attorney Marc Angelucci was set to prosecute Joe Yanny for Contempt of Court on July 20. Joe Yanny is not only the lead attorney in my Family Law case, but he is the criminal defense attorney and proud member of the notorious Mongols Nation, an often-convicted RICO racketeering enterprise, methamphetamine dealing and murder-for-hire motorcycle gang.
The evidence was overwhelming that, in direct violation of a September 27, 2017 Order of the Court, attorney Joseph A. Joe Yanny did remove a total of $85,722 from the real estate trust account in my case.
With Mr. Angelucci savagely assassinated just 9 days prior, the Contempt proceeding against Joe Yanny went forward with me representing myself.
When I attempted to introduce into evidence the bank records showing Mr. Yanny took the money, and gave it to Marlo, Judge Powell repeatedly went off the record, and admonished me for being rude. Judge Powell pretended that the relevant court order – which stated that the real estate proceeds, quote, will not be touched, unquote, was too vague to be enforced.
Folks, that is corruption. That is felony deprivation of rights under 18 United States Code Section 242, in my expert opinion.
Joe Yanny and Clair Marlos guilt for taking the trust fund money could not be more obvious. Of course, no case will be proven if the Judge goes off the record and disallows the smoking gun evidence to be presented, or pretends that an order stating those funds will not be touched means anything besides those funds will not be touched.
For theses reasons, I believe that the most likely reason that on the afternoon of July 20, 2020 in Dept. 22 of the Los Angeles Superior Court, Judge Michael Powell let Joe Yanny get away with $85,722 is that he is afraid of being murdered, or because he was bribed, or both.
Next and final point in this episode, and remember, this is only the tip of the corruption iceberg in my case. We still have Judge Spear illegally closing discovery and letting Marlo get away with not filing a Final Declaration of Disclosure, and Judge Weingart letting Marlo take $225,000 cash from a disputed property. And they illegally stopped all my music royalties on a completely fabricated pretext. That's what the ASCAP and BMI class action is all about, but I digress. All of this nonsense started when Joe Yanny, and his protege Mike DiNardo showed up, to punish me for telling the truth about fraud and forgery in the music business, as far as I can tell.
But there's more. The Most Obvious Explanation for Why Judge Powell Did Not Grant Me Attorney Fees So I Can Have an Attorney At Trial Is That Judge Powell Is Afraid of Being Murdered.
Marlo has admitted giving her attorneys over $200,000 to date, while currently owing them, get this, an additional $1.5 million. This is extraordinary, considering my case is worth at most, about $500,000. I have a present net worth of approximately $0, a fact known to all involved. Unless there is much more than meets the eye, there is no reason why any attorneys, let alone Marlo's very high-priced team of Criminal Defense, Family Law, Intellectual Property, and Civil Litigation attorneys from three different firms, would go $1.5 million deep into this case.
When was the last time you ever heard of attorneys doing a million dollars worth of work knowing that they cannot get paid? Never, that's when.
California law is very clear that parties in a Family Law case are to have equal access to community funds for legal fees. Under Family Code Section twenty thirty, it is unfair for one party to have one attorney, let alone a well-coordinated team of three law firms, when the other has none. Yet that is the situation that has been allowed to persist.
I brought a Family Code Section twenty thirty motion for attorney fees, and requested fifty thousand dollars for attorney Marc Angelucci to represent me at trial. The motion kept getting delayed and continued and postponed and pushed back. It took over a year, but finally the attorney fee motion was heard, in front of Judge Powell, on July 23, 2020. Unfortunately, Marc Angelucci had his head blown off 12 days prior.
At the July 23, 2020 hearing, Judge Powell listened to Marlo explain how she owed so much money, and I pointed out the absurdities regarding the attorney fees versus the value of the case, and how I had offered to walk away from all claims three years ago, but how that was not good enough for these people.
Judge Powell denied my request for fees, finding that for me to have an attorney would be a, quote, waste of community resources, unquote. Why Marlo’s supposedly going in debt for over $1.5 million to three different law firms was not a waste of community resources, was unstated. I formed an inference that Marlo's litigation is actually being funded by her business associates at Universal, who have a deeply vested interest in this case, and for whom $1.5 million is pocket change.
For these reasons, I believe that the most logical explanation for why Judge Powell denied me an attorney is that he was afraid of being murdered, or had been bribed, or both.
Those are some of the reasons why Marlo's ex parte motion to advance the hearing date on her D V R O should be denied, why my Anti-SLAPP should go forward, and should be granted, and her entire D V R O should be stricken.
My case of court corruption is just one of many that Marc Angelucci and I were fighting when he was assassinated. We must continue the fight. Marc absolutely wants us to carry on. Marc died, in his words, with no regrets.
-Alexander C. Baker, J.D.
January 21, 2020